
In the early stages, our dentist may be able to address or even reverse gum disease with scaling and root planing. However, if your problem is more advanced, Dr. Benjamin Waites may need to see you at Just Clean Smiles for a gingivectomy in Peralta, New Mexico. If you would like to see if this treatment could benefit your smile, call 505-565-0609 and speak with a member of our team.

If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, one of the treatments that our dentist may recommend to improve your oral health is a gingivectomy. Also known as pocket reduction, this periodontal treatment removes swollen, infected gum tissue using our laser in order to save your gums and teeth from the more damaging effects of gum disease.

When you receive a gingivectomy, our dentist will first administer a local anesthetic to help ensure your comfort during the procedure. Your infected and inflamed gums will be removed using our laser to recontour them. When the removal is completed, the laser will be used to deliver photobiostimulation of the tissues to promote more rapid healing.

You may experience some sensitivity in your gums and teeth following treatment. You should also see an improvement in the health of your teeth and gums within a few weeks, as well as a reduction in the depth of any periodontal pockets.

If you have any questions about gingivectomy treatment or would like to set up an appointment with our dentist, give us a call today!